
Monday, November 10, 2008

Minimal Success - Tons of Birds

SUNDAY REPORT - The first migration has definately begun. Ducks and Geese have been on the move since late Thursday and the push continued into yesterday. The AM hunt Sunday was a bit disappointing. Not for the lack of bird movement, but for the lack of preparation and aiming skills. We got to the Ditch to see about 1/2 inch of ice covering 100% of the pond. The bubblers didn't get turned on and we left all the deeks in the water from Saturday. We broke some ice and cleaned off the deeks. We decoyed just two teal before 8AM. A group of 9 Can's came rollin' from the North and worked for about 10 minutes, only to come down just outside the farthest deek, two guys, six shots and not a single bird fell. As hearts were racing and choice words a flyin' we couldn't figure out why they did what they did. So back in the water we go. Broke more ice, brought the deeks in much closer and sat and waited. Just before 1PM a group of 15 Gadwall rolled in as one of us was walking to turn on the pump. Dropped one. The afternoon hunt yielded another couple ducks, admittedly should've left with a minimum of a one man limit from 2PM to close, but not the case. Saturday and Sunday we never really worked a big group of ducks. Seen a ton, just not a lot of cooperation. There was moderate success all over the area, but no reports of raining ducks. The birds should be around for a while now and there will be another push. More reports to come.

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