
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Location, Location, Location

After countless weeks of watching the resident ducks request fly-by's and the migration on a holding pattern, we tried a little something different this AM. It was decided that DuckDominator and his Wednesday AM guest would take a different approach. They got to the Ditch location just before sun-up, they stayed in the truck and gazed at the skies. The first bunch came out about 730AM and the chase was on. Down the road, turn right, up the road, stop, up the road again, stop. There it was, the acreage that was apparently the Geisha House of the duck world. Hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands of ducks piling into a 20 acre set-aside that was flooded and elegantly planted with Millet, with a little "honey hole" right in the center. After about an hour of sitting, watching and waiting for some movement at the nearest farmstead, finally someone was alive. DD rushed to the house and asked for permission to visit the Duck Hunters Dream spot. Meanwhile the rest of us were at work figuring just how to get out tonight in time to hunt. Little did we know it was all for not. The call came and I could hear it on the other end, the sound of disappointment. Denied! Apparently no one is allowed to hunt there because he's wanting to rent it to someone, but has no takers. So rather than let us crazies hunt it, it sits idle. Kinda like having a Dodge Viper, or Chevy Corvette, in the garage with 113 miles on it, man it looks good, but don't drive it! Nonetheless, the chase was not over. Another drive around the bottoms lead to another "spot" just a few miles away from the Ditch. After about an hour of chasing down farmers and land owners the hunt finally ended. They found another gracious land owner who was willing to let them set up. After cleaning out their UnderArmour, they got 2 Robo's, 4 GHG resters and 2 laydowns and headed to today's "Ditch." A picked, unturned cornfield with standing water in a large low spot in the middle. The hunt started just after 1PM, by 102PM this first text message came: 1 Greenhead. By 2PM the 2nd text came: "man we can't shoot." I laughed and asked just how many they were seeing. The response indicated they should already be home. The afternoon showed the area frustrations, as the ducks would work and work but just would not finish. They moved the Robo's with no luck. They moved the laydown and added more camo with no luck. Finally after 2 1/2 hours of no shooting and seeing thousands of ducks, AH HA! Try turning off the Robo's. Well that was about 440PM and at that time they had 1 duck. By closing time, 501PM, they had 6 Greenheads in the bag. If they could've figured that out at 103PM they would've been home early. A pretty good hunt considering the conditions. If you are mobile, your "mousetrap" just doesn't matter. Hunting again tomorrow at the Ditch. Check back for the days' action.

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