
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mainly a Day of Watching

The morning started off with 15 ducks right away, here they come. Only the guy calling the shot couldn't get 712AM out of his mind, so we didn't shoot. It was 645AM and we were 3 mins past legal and they were right there! Never fear 5 mins later here come 3 Widgeon right into the pocket. Two guys, 4 shots, 3 Widgeon. By far the best performance of the season. We had another group of 8 teal come a buzzin' around 9AM they swung right in the pocket and we hammered just one. I gotta admit, they were so close together that I figured, "ah just throw it in the middle", they' ll fall, not the case. I was left to fend for myself about 10Am with 4 in the bag. While I threw down another thermos of coffee, the resident ducks were heading out to feed. I would say there are at least 2000 ducks feeding around the area. The saddest part of the day was just after 1030AM. I had 100 ducks come from the NorthEast sky sailing and dumping, sailing and dumping, they responded well to the call and began to set up. Just then about 75 Snow Geese come from the East 75 yds high and took all the ducks with them! Even with the Dead Meat singing, there are some things you just can't compete with. Just after 11AM another 60 came a dumping and sailing, "one more swing", and they did, "one more swing"and they did, "one more swing" and they did...see where this is going? I had two good shots but waited for the "one" that never came, unloaded on the 4th best look I had and scratched just one. The day was a bit frustrating, you see so many birds that just won't respond. They've been here for a while and have their pattern down, not much we could do the get them to skip a wing beat. There was an above average amount of shooting around the area considering there was little to no migration. Well, more favorable winds and weather coming and if you were to walk outside at this very instant you will hear snows and blues by the hundreds. We may not have any attendance until Sunday. Keep an eye in the sky and an ear to the phone, we'll keep you posted.

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