Hello again all my technologically advanced and well connected waterfowl enthusiast friends. Welcome to Muck Bottom Outfitters Waterfowl Report. After the lack of migratory bird action we decided to keep a watchful eye out around the area just to see if we could find some birds. The early part of the week brought a few new birds into the area. Some scouting W-TH-FRI-SAT lead us to the field that a fair amount of Can's were using. About 5PM Sat night 2 determined souls wandered around with nothing but a "yes" on their minds. After a couple hours chasing tractors and knocking on doors they got the "yes" we were all hoping for. Today started out early, and we pulled into the field around 545AM. "Six poles East, Four poles South. Six poles East, Four poles South." You see we just had to be on the "X". We unloaded the trailer, set the deeks, set the gear and poured a cup of coffee. Before shooting time we saw 5 groups of high snows, 730 and it was time. 2 Can's working hard, swinging, working, swinging, working, still working, should've shot but it was behind us, and BOOM...gone just like that with no shot. What happened? Chalked it up to bad luck and settled back in. 30 minutes later 10 came rollin' at us, gave us one swing and then down, 150 yds away. It's around 830 now and we were planning on all the birds around 930. Are we in the wrong spot, are the birds we've been seeing at night feeding in a different spot in the morning? The overthinking never stops! After about 10 mins and a lot of wondering, they got up and flew away. We decided to stay put. Just a few moments later here they come 'bout 100 of 'em, comin' right at us. Worked for about 15 minutes and kept going behind us, 3 or 4 would swing low and then pop up...they disappeared to the North and no shots fired. We jumped out of the laydowns and moved everything about 25 yds away in front of us hoping that would work. Not 10 minutes later here comes about 30. Setup and dumped, managed to coax them right to us with no swings. Two with feet down and 9 yds away, Take' Em. Managed to dump 3. Should've had more. After chasing a cripple down we had 3 in the bag and were thinking it was over. We had made the right choice by staying on the "x" from the night before. Just after 9AM we had another 7 come-a-rollin' towarad us and dropped 3. That's all she wrote. Took a 3 man limit home with us and made the wives happy gettin' home around 10AM. Live to fight another day! Saw some high bunches of snows most of the morning so I'm thinking a little push is beginning. MC Wrote: Saturday - Snows & Blues on the move. Saw a total of 2 ducks, both rode home with us…the only 2 birds to get over the decoys.Sunday - Snows & Blues day two. 1 Blue in the decoys to start the day…3 shot dispatch technique (2 warning - 1 killing) Had a couple bunches of S&B’s look and sail for a few passes. Saw 2 bunches of ducks…killed 4. 1 lone Canada was issued a warning shot and then put down at 15 yards.Now to the fun part…16 Canadas tried to interrupt breakfast…belly up at less than 20 yards right in front of the blinds! 6 piled up. A Kohler classic decoy and shot! Thanks RK for the lessons!
Might be worth the trip the next couple of days. Our new friend The Chuckler agrees: Out most of the day today. Saw about 20 flocks of snow and blues migrating very high, seen mostly before noon. Most flocks in the 20-50 bird size. Saw one flock of about 200 around noon extremely high. Had about 30 mallards on the pond at sunrise and managed to kill a hen. That was it for ducks...only saw 1 other duck flock flyin' the river. Quit at 330PM. Tomorrow and Tuesday could be the days to be there. Send me some birds! Regards, The Chuckler.
Might be worth the trip the next couple of days. Our new friend The Chuckler agrees: Out most of the day today. Saw about 20 flocks of snow and blues migrating very high, seen mostly before noon. Most flocks in the 20-50 bird size. Saw one flock of about 200 around noon extremely high. Had about 30 mallards on the pond at sunrise and managed to kill a hen. That was it for ducks...only saw 1 other duck flock flyin' the river. Quit at 330PM. Tomorrow and Tuesday could be the days to be there. Send me some birds! Regards, The Chuckler.
Sounds as it he saw the same birds we were seeing. We both left our spots thinking that tomorrow and Tuesday could be successful. Gonna wait til we hear something before making a Tuesday trip to the Ditch. That's all for now, there will me more reports in the AM, so check back for the latest and greatest and thanks for all the hits.
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