
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


For all of you with daughters or sons, or perhaps yourselves, the title is some "shortcuts" for texting.  OMG - Oh MY god.  WTF - What the (insert expletive).  A mid morning invite has us begging and pleading to leave work today early. Early as in around 2PM. By then we've put in 6 or so hours, so was it really asking alot?  Turns out it wasn't.  So we're off to lay in a field with the Master on the Grounds and try and shake a few feathers off some new geese that have been spotted in a field just waiting for us to take 'em home for Thanksgiving.  The set up was complete.  Uh Oh, what is that?  3 Trucks driving down the fence line about 70 yds away or so.  They stop, unload what appears to be about 12 Bigfoots and drive away.  We anxiously watch and wonder.  What are they doing?  They park the trucks and walk back to their "spread."  Oh well, a little competition never hurt anyone.  But wait, where are their blinds?  Oh there they are, those fence posts.  What?  They are setting up for skybustin', you gotta be kiddin' me.  So here we are, 200 deeks deep lying in a field the geese have been hitting for 2 days hard, and we got some idiots standing next to fence posts 70 yds away.  Hold on...it gets better.  So the obvious happens, they sky bust our birds away.  Here's the better part...after shootin' time is over, they ended up with one "sailor" about 150 yds from us and about a 300 yd walk across "our" field to get it.  We're pickin' up and this idiot (for lack of a better term, this is a family blog), comes over and asks us if we got any.  We politely say "NO", and he then asks if we'd like the goose he sky busted.  Seriously?  The nerve!  He was basically saying, "Hey, I know me and my buddy's totally jacked up your hunt. I got lucky and knocked one down, do you want it?"   I'm surprised that this great sportsman was still standing as he left us, me I'm not a fighter I'm a lover, but I'm pretty sure the other's with could've rolled this jacker up into a little ball and pissed on him. 

We managed to take some video after the idiots left and after legal was gone.  Some pretty good footage from a camera phone.  And boy those Sillosocks sure look good!  That's all for now, check back for the latest and greatest.

Had one comment to share about yesterdays post from a fellow economically sensitive and stimulus backing duck hunter.  Anonymous wrote:
Great blog, I too was in the work trenches. 2 days to go before 4 days off I hope they keep coming and you all can Drop 'em every day.

Only report from the day was from the South Ditch.  4 guys went 5 for 5 on a group of Mallards and rolled out just before noon.  Snow geese and Can's still migrating.  South wind and low sky's will stop them tomorrow, we hope!

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