Hello again all my technologically advanced and well-connected waterfowl enthusiast friends welcome to Muck Bottom Outfitters Waterfowl Report. We are just 6 days away from shooting birds and to feed the waterfowling monster, better known as our brains, I've got one report from up North. One of the greatest waterfowlers off all time, DukMaster, has recently returned from a 5 day getaway to Canada. The group spent the first two days scouting the area and asking for permission to hunt. All the locals were extremely giving and more than willing to let our fellow hunters set up shop. After two days the boys set up in a field where they thought would be the mother load. Turns out that the ducks were using the field at night, not in the morning, so the first go round was a bust. The rest of their day was spent sitting in the weeds along various sloughs and ponds pounding ducks. Pothole hunting/jumping/pass-shooting is the way to go when you're across the border. Our friends managed to shoot 88 ducks, 7 cranes and 3 Canada geese. I heard a story of limits in 20 minutes and picking up decoys while walking around live ducks sitting and landing, that had to be quite an experience. The crane hunting was like shooting down B53 bombers with a ground assualt missles, they just dive and helicopter to the ground for what seems to be 10 minutes. A 6 and 1/2 foot wing span kinda scares a guy. For all the good ole boys reading this report, you'll be happy to hear that 3 and 1/2 inch 2's are way too aggressive and totally unnecessary. There was a gentlemen in his "ladder" years hunting who rarely missed while slinging his 20 gauge with 2 3/4 inch shells. Guess this was one case when bigger wasn't really better. This was DukMasters first trip across the border and he assured me this will be a yearly event. His hat cam was working but the technologically savvy "master" is in a holding pattern circling the computer waiting for a message from above as to just how to get it posted. I'm confident he'll figure it out and the vidoe's will be on here soon. ********warning********** video is rated "R" for violence and language. Sorry guys no nudity in this one.
That's all for now, check back for the latest and greatest and thanks for almost 14,000 hits. Send us your report.
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