
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's on already???

Normally, I would refrain from such childish actions as responding to a comment, but this is our blog, and we always have the last word.
Posted comment:

Waterfowl Wizard said...
"Not so, Good to hear from you again. Had a chance to see your blind about a week ago. To bad I was a half mile away when I saw it. I assume you've had a chance to speak to Dork-Master. Bring a video camera with you this season...You should get plenty of footage if you keep your camera trained toward the East."
The above comment is from a member of the South Ditch and also member of the new South to the East Ditch, apparently he invested in Lasik with bi-focal's. The Bi must mean BInocular cause I've seen him shoot! The new group not only has invaded the bottom's, they've apparently figured out that if you can't beat 'em - join 'em! All those ducks last year led 'em up to the famous MuckBottoms of Tekamah. Right where they've always longed to be... in the same county as RK and the Legends Ditch. It's nice to see you've graduated after 20 years to another county.
In reference to our blind, I've searched for the best possible picture of an interesting spot where ducks land...it isn't all about above or below ground, and apparently not about the amount of cover either. (see picture above). If they want to be there, they will be there. Are you there? Only time will tell. I can tell you this much, blind or no blind, above or below, a bucket and Blaze Orange is sufficient enough with our shooting and calling abilities, but you'll hear that this fall!
Welcome to the bottoms and cya this fall. Wizard...feel free to respond, good luck with that!

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