
Sunday, October 9, 2011

More than Expected

The first official morning at the ditch was today.  Must say there were more birds than expected floating around this morning.  We had heard of large groups of teal a couple weeks ago, but the colder weather pushed a lot of them out of the area.  There are quite a few spoonbill and even some pintail already.  Shot one smiley out of a bunch of 6 or so, which was the only group that worked us.  We did hear and see one group of Specks too.  Plenty of shooting around the area this morning for about the first hour.  Once the sun started shinning and the temps warming, we headed home. It wasn't a long morning but it was a bit surprising.  Usually you might get one group of teal to buzz you 1 minute before shootin' time or 1 minute after and then that's it.  There are a lot more birds around than last year at this time. 

How about these temps?  It was over 80 again today and the average high is around 68, makes it tough on us waterfowlers.  I've been watching the weather and knew it was going to be hot so I searched and searched for some hot weather duck hunting gear. I finally found some that I couldn't pass up. 
The perfect pattern and it's seems to be real easy to get on and off.  I received it just a couple of days ago and tried it on.  Unfortunately I had to send it back. It was way to small in the chest area.  I hope to have the larger pair in a couple days.  It's tough finding the right gear for the high temps we've been seeing.

That's all for now.  Check back for the latest and greatest on don't forget to grab the mobile MuckBottom app at http://muckbottom.mobapp.at/ 

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