
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Signs of Fall

"Happy Little Tree, should give him a friend"  - Bob Ross NETV
As I was taking in the gear today getting ready for the season, it was a nice sight to finally see Teal in good numbers.  There were probably about 200 or so trading ponds in the area and a few groups flying higher.  Had a couple bunches give a good buzz.  The morning got later and the Pelican's began to fly, probably seen a couple hundred or more in the 30 minutes I was paying attention.  The weather is definitely changing.  Headed home via county roads and the signs of the flood is devastating, to say the least.  What used to be corn fields are now barren deserts.  Miles and Miles of nothing-ness.  The water has receded quite a bit since the last trip up, but the damage left behind has over shadowed the return of the river waters to its' banks.  Thousands of acres stretched with sand bars only a "river rat" would love.  There are pockets of deep, deep water scattered throughout fields that look like they have been there for years.  Some fields look like they can be saved and others have no hope.   It's going to be a lot of years for some of the fields to return any kind of crop.  Hope the WRP has a lot more money to spend, they are going to be getting requests faster than they can type them into the computer.  That's all for now, check back for the latest and greatest. 
For those of you who haven't seen the flood, click http://www.flicker.com/photos/leevalleyfloodpics/sets/

This WAS standing Corn

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