
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Muckin' Around

I started posting so I guess I need to keep going. Today’s post is nothing more than jibberish. Thoughts in my head, and probably yours too beings you are reading this, that consume what little space is left for day dreaming.

As everyday passes we inch closer and closer to the 116 days of pure bliss. The seasons are starting earlier; the proposed start date for LP Early is October 2nd. Wow, that’s early! If you’ve been hiding under a rock and this is a surprise to you, you better move your plans up a couple weeks. If this year’s plans include a “better mouse trap” you had better be started already. There is no more time to waste!

I received the new Cablea’s waterfowl catalog and have wishfully been flipping through it. All the gear! If money was unlimited, the next delivery truck for “waterfowl weekend” would be backed up next to the ditch and taken directly to the island. Can you ever have enough? When is it too much? I read an article that said the average waterfowler will spend between $1200-$1700 per year to hunt, everything from coffee to duck stamps and licenses, to decoys, guns and leases. There are currently 30,000 or so of us in the state of Nebraska, some more foolish than others. On the low end we will spend more than $36mil on this upcoming season alone, that’s about $300,000 per season day (obviously not counting the sky carp conservation season, whole different ball game there). Now you know why everyone and their dog is out there trying to sell to us something. We are a special group of enthusiasts that choose emotion over judgment and chance over guarantee. We spend countless amounts of money on “stuff” and dream away complete days that our friends have quietly described as “muckin’ around.”

Don’t forget about Dove season, they are migratory birds too and deserve our attention and dedication as well. Why pay for the migratory bird stamp if you’re not going to observe the beauty of the season. If you happen across a “pigeon” while dove hunting, take ‘em, “they’re good eatin’.”

That’s all for now.

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