
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not Quite Yet

Hello again all my technologically advanced and well connected Waterfowl enthusiast friends. The water we had open last Sunday has now closed up with ice. We finished up the spread and some other housekeeping around the Ditch today. Apparently Mother Nature isn't quite ready yet! The ducks we saw Sunday have mostly moved on, either further North of back toward the South. Very few birds around during today's 6 hour event. A decent number of Dark Geese floating around the river, as that appears to be the only open water right now. Not a single snow goose seen yet. We fired up the horns today and wow what a sound. We got a car radio, an amp and 2 horns, how annoying! Hopefully the geese like it, as it is almost piercing to the ear of a human. The horns and the CD's came from performancecalls.com and they sound great. They are each over 1 hour of constant sound with no breaks. One is of feeding snows and one is flying snows. We've opted to go the easier and less expensive route this season and invested in some Goose Gloves. A guy spends so much money on Big Foots and GHG goose deeks why not use 'em. The Goose Gloves fit great, it's the most economical way to turn your Canada spread into a Snow spread. We're probably about 2 weeks away from seeing any real push of snows. This cold air from the North pushing down over the next few days will surely hold those 600,000 snows at Squaw Creek from coming up any further. We'll be ready when they come. Amongst friends I mentioned that I thought with good timing we may just be able to scratch as many snows this spring as we did ducks this fall. Who knows, the SSPI (sure shot predictive index) this fall what about as accurate as our local meteorologists. That's not saying a whole lot! Today's temp on the way to the Ditch was 10 degrees, it warmed up to 25 before we left about 1PM. Why is it that in the fall when it's 25 we have the heaters flared up and more clothes on that you can shake a stick at...and in the Spring when it's 25 and calm you don't even think about firing up the heaters? Just doesn't make much sense, but then again neither does snow goose hunting. Just trying to do our part for conservation! We'll keep up with the local bird news as best as we can until the real action starts. Check back for the latest and greatest and thanks for all the hits. MBO

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